I am...

My photo
...a new-mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and wanna-be "stay at home" momma.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So it has been awhile since I last wrote.  Not intentionally, just haven't felt like talking. 

I do think I have made the decision to change Evie to formula during the day and stick with breastfeeding just in the evenings.  I enjoy the bond that we have through breastfeeding, but the pumping is a pain.  I am proud of myself for going this long and I am not stopping completely.  But I think that it will help me regain some of my freedom.  That is really a terrible way to word that because I feel honored to be able to provide for my daughter in this way, but I find myself stressing over whether I am able to produce enough and making sure to pump every 3 hours while at work.  Is that a cop-out?  It shouldn't be, because any exposure to breastmilk has benefits over nothing at all and there has to be a time to move on to the next stage.  But I still have that feeling that I am just being lazy.  Hmmph, you would think that as hard as I am on myself sometimes that I would have a rock hard body and accomplish everything I set my mind to.  Nope. 

Funny (wierd, not haha), that reminds me when I was about 17 and I wrecked my car while going to a party that I wasn't supposed to (well my parents didn't know about it) and I think my mom and dad took it easy on me because I was so disappointed in myself already. 

I think I have these feelings because they help me appreciate a job well done.  I just need to focus more on being positive and less on being negative.  No more Debbie Downer!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Will I be pretty...?

Wow!  I found this on a post from a http://www.babycenter.com/ user, it gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes.  Such passion, if only I could go back and understand this way back when, growing up, always wondering if, well, if I was going to be pretty.  Not by any fault of my mother or father, it was just an insecurity I bore on my own.  Thank you to Kate Makkai, this poem is inspiring.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Closet cleaning

Just for the record this is not a post about skeletons or coming out or going in to the closet, but I just want to share that cleaning out my closet last night was more fun than I thought.  Also, it did a swell job of re-affirming how insecure I am about myself, but that's a different post altogether. 

I have needed to go through my closet since before I was pregnant with Evie.  I suppose I'm glad I waited because as some mothers know (not those mothers that seem to be able to have no physical change whatsoever postpartum, you make me sick with jealousy!!!-!) my body has changed and my clothing is fitting differently.  So in making the effort to embrace this new saggy body of mine (that doesn't sound positive at all), and trying even harder to look at the bright side that only I can change the way I look and feel about myself, I tried on just about everything on and to my surprise it didn't end up with me crying into my pillow about never eating again and then devouring a couple or ten Oreo cookies thinking to myself, I'm starting the diet tomorrow.  :)  No, instead, my sweet Pauliboy stood there and waited for me while he helped sort and give his opinion on nearly everything.  I would probably be correct to say that there aren't many men out there that would do that for their women, but my Paul did.  Right on, Lover man!!!

So now I have room in my closet (not to be replaced with new stuff too soon) and money in my pocket since I basically have an all (not that) new wardrobe.  :)

PS I should have taken before and after pictures, but I'm not that with it on the blogging/documenting.  I guess that is saved for the Evie stuff.  :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

What a great weekend!!!

Man, this weekend was great!  Busy, but nonetheless, great.  Did I mention it was great?? 

A good friend of ours has comeback into our lives.  What a pleasure it was to get started on catching up on laughs and visiting. Paul's company had an Employee Appreciation party at the Hard Rock Casino Friday night - finger foods, good company, and a table covered in candies = great time!

I chuckled my way through my weekend project of cleaning out the pantry drawers and cabinet.  Really made me wonder if I thought I was going to starve at some point.  All those expired canned goods that I threw out...wasteful.  But that's what I am trying to remedy.  I have to start somewhere I suppose.  :)

Evie and I went over to my parents' house on Saturday evening while Paul was at the TU Homecoming.  We certainly enjoyed ourselves there too.  If there is anyone else other than Paul that I love to watch Evie interact with its my mom.  I'm not sure why, I guess maybe it's that unconditional love that my mom and I have shared and now I know what both sides feel like.  Plus, she told me that being a grandma is that feeling times 50! 

Yeah, we're both cheesin' in this picture

Yesterday, some friends came over for dinner and that was a great time too!  Yes I know I sound like a broken record, but it was a gre...oh...fantastic weekend.  :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Separation Anxiety :(

I just want to say how sad it makes me to be away from Evie-girl everyday!  :( I wish I could just carry her around in a little baby bjorn and we could smile and coo at each other and her momma would be the happiest lady in the land.  :)


The true meaning of sweet baby blues :)

Look at my strong girl up on her elbows!!
All photos in this post are from Sherri Scarpa Photography, like what you see?  Contact her at (918) 688-6644 or photographyxss@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

define apologize

verb say sorry, express regret, ask forgiveness, make an apology, beg pardon, say you are sorry. "He apologized to those who had been affected."

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition.

I just wanted to post the definition of the word apologize on here because it seems to me that it is one of those words that is a get out of jail free card, or for that matter, not thrown around at all.  I have always tried to make it a point that if I have to say "I'm sorry" for something, that it is not only a way of expressing regret but a way of stating that I will try my damndest not to repeat said act.  On the other end of the spectrum, I find it funny (weird-funny, not funny-ha ha) the number of adults that find it okay to not apologize at all.  Just go on like nothing was ever said, the other person will get over it.  We make our kids do it, why wouldn't you make yourself step up to the plate and do it??  I guess what I'm trying to say is, mean it when you say it, and say it when you're s'pose too.  Everyone would be a lot happier and content with the world.  :)  Thank you, that's my worthless wisdom for the day.  :))

Let's finish up with a sweet picture of Babygirl! <3

Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy girl

Man, I was a busy girl this weekend!  Well, I was for me that is, I am sure there are plenty of other people out there that wouldn't bat an eyelash at the stuff I accomplished, but I don't care.  It felt good to get things done. 

My inner cleaning bug is has finally come to the surface, and I am embracing her with all of my being.  :)  I have never been a neat freak, but while I was pregnant it drove me insane (yes, it was a short trip, ha ha) to have to sit there and just look at clutter and disarray and not really be able to do anything about it.  ...this was the last month and a half while I was on bedrest.  I also watched an episode of that show Hoarders on A&E.  It's very depressing, but like a car wreck, it's hard not to watch.  But that was the time that I made up my mind that I am not live in clutter and be okay with it.  It is a new found sense of accomplishment to get a room or cabinet or drawer cleaned and organized.  It's not that up until this moment I have lived in filth and disorder, but suffice it to say that I have certainly never been accused of keeping my house like a museum.  :)

Of course, it does make it harder when the sweet, sweet man that is my husband doesn't care to do chores (he does mind you, and I am very thankful for what he does, but it generally takes some not-so subtle hints) and he is also a nester.  I am a nester too, but a different sort.  His nesting consists of a focus on about a 5-10 foot circle.  Poor sweet man, I pick on him too much, but what can I say...he picks on me too.  :) Embrace the orneriness!!  Then there are the sweet little lover dogs.  They are a mess to themselves, but that's another post by itself. 

On a happy side note - Evie chirped last night while watching her daddy be silly for her and it scared he half to death.  Kinda like, wow, did I just make that sound??? 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello Mr. Mobile!!

The crib mobile that I bought for Evie about 3 weeks ago is probably the best toy I could have gotten for her so far.  This girl just absolutely loves it and I absolutely love watching her watch it!!!  :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It just hit me...

So as a new mother and one that has made the choice to feed my baby girl exclusively with breast milk, I pump at work with the wonderful invention of the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump.  As I was sitting there practically being lulled to sleep by the sound of this spectacular machine, I decided that if I ever wanted to take an extreme risk and invest my time and money and lack of creativity into something, I would add a built in pillow to the breast pump bag. 

It is no mystery that being a new parent comes with amazing sleep deprivation that I have never known before.  I even went through a stage as a little girl in which I suffered from insomia (by that I mean I suffered from sharing a room with an older sister that liked to talk on the phone late in the night and keep her younger sisters awake, but I digress), and that did not even come close to the lack of sleep I experience now.  I am not so much complaining, just explaining, I love every moment that I get to spend with Evie, but I just wish that there was some type of energy station that new parents could fill up on that alert, refreshed feeling and go on about their day.  I like to have my cake and eat it too, and I see nothing wrong with that.

I can picture it in my head, already looking like a dairy cow with her utters in those suction cups, just add a pillow and we would have some well rested and sufficiently milked cows.  :)

By the way, if there is anyone out there that does need a breast pump and wants to buy the top of the line.  Go to this website http://www.addalittlelove.com/, it is run by a lactation consultant, but she sells the Medela Pump in Style Advanced and at a cheaper price than I was able to find anywhere else.  Plus, as long as you keep your receipt you get the same warranty through the manufacturer that you would get if you purchased it from Babies R Us or any of the other major stores. 

Introducing me and the fam

Hey.  My name is Samantha Lynn Dosser.  I have wanted to start a blog for sometime now, but never thought I would keep up with it so thought I would save myself the trouble of not finishing something.  That's kind of a negative start, but I know me, and I have never been the type to adequately document my daily rituals and happenings.  But I want to make an effort to keep it up and maybe if I actually get feedback, I will keep it up.  (Even if I don't, what-ev).

My husband, Paul, and I have been together for 10 years, married 4 of those, and we were blessed (and I do mean blessed) with the sweetest baby girl ever to walk (currently she actually is just a wiggler and learning to turn over at the moment) this planet.
Evelyn Rhea Dosser, born June 29th, 2010, 7 lbs 10 ozs

In the car on the way home from the hospital - July 1st, 2010
 With the intentions of not forgetting a single moment of this beautiful thing called parenthood, I want to do my best to document our lives for our family to stay up to date on the Dosser Family goings-on.

Photo #1 - taken by the hospital photographer for Our365.com